covering n. 被覆,外被;外封;房顶;上覆物,掩护;【商业】了结,补进。 covering fire 掩护射击。 covering for ( chair, hand ...) (椅、手…)套。 covering letter (寄送物件等作为说明的)附信。 covering note 【火灾保险】承保通知单。 covering party 【军事】掩护队。 covering price (一切计算在内的)总价。
As for the assault force , the containing force and the reserve force in a tactical operation , the first is for annihilating the enemy , the second for preserving oneself , and the third is for either purpose according to circumstances - - either for annihilating the enemy ( in which case it reinforces the assault force or serves as a pursuit force ) , or for self - preservation ( in which case it reinforces the containing force or serves as a covering force ) 战术上的突击队、钳制队、预备队,第一种为了消灭敌人,第二种为了保存自己,第三种准备依情况使用于两个目的? ?或者增援突击队,或者作为追击队,都是为了消灭敌人;或者增援钳制队,或者作为掩护队,都是为了保存自己。